Every season French designer Isabel Marant produces a stand-out piece that swiftly ends up in the hands (or in this case, on the feet), of the most style savvy fashion-insiders, creating an insatiable level of demand that just won't quit. Back towards the end of year, the superstar of the Marant stable was the 'Poppy' Suede Pump. Like everyone else, I wanted a pair. I couldn't, however, quite justify purchasing a pair. So when I started to notice copies of the 'Poppy' hitting the chains, it was like reacquainting with a long lost friend. Further research also uncovered that the real-deal is now going for a far more respectable price on net-a-porter, coming in at 40% off. Take your pick . . .
The pumps are so cute and lovely. I love to wear pumps with gowns. The pumps are useful with most of the dresses. These pumps refereed here are so stunning and gorgeous. I will love the pumps with my long denim skirt